Homeopathic remedies such as Nitric acid, Muriatic acid, Aesculus, Ratanhia, are extremely effective in treatment of fissure. Unlike the typical use of external topical agents to bring about temporary relief, Homoeopathic medicines are administered orally to treat the disease permanently from the root. Customized medicines needs to be prescribed for chronic fissure after taking patients symptoms in details.
Along with medicines making life style changes are very crucial in the management of fissure. Patient should take high fiber diet and plenty of water. Having minimum 8 glasses of water is especially important in patients who are on fibre supplement like Psyllium etc as otherwise it can worsen the constipation. Patients should avoid straining at stools and should stay active to avoid constipation.
Homoeopathy is the best form of noninvasive treatment for fissure with which surgery can be avoided totally.