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Fissure is the tear in the mucosal lining of the anal canal. It most commonly presents in infants though it can occur in any age group. The chances of getting a fissure is increased more in people with history of fissure in the past. Fissures are usually very painful and present with bleeding lining the stool. It’s caused due to trauma to the anal canal either due to passing of large hard stool, chronic constipation, prolonged diarrhea, or insertion of foreign object in anal canal.


Homoeopathy acts very quickly in reducing the severe pain in acute fissure. It also helps in treating the causes of chronic fissure which is constipation in most of the case. In modern medicine, anal suppository, local ointments are the main line of treatment at a conservative level. These are difficult to be followed especially in infants and children and also in adults on a long term basis.