Homoeopathy has a good scope in treatment of asthma. Homoeopathy is not only useful in chronic treatment of asthma but also is very effective in treating the acute episodes. Homoeopathic Remedies such as Ars Alb, Arsenic Iod, Antimony Ars, Carbo Veg, Kali Carb, Medorrhinum, etc are extremely efficacious in treating asthma.
Under the right homeopathic treatment, frequency, severity and recurrence of asthmatic attacks can be reduced. Patient’s tolerance to the triggering factors increases. As the swelling and spasm of the airway is relieved, the general endurance increases and quality of life improves. In many cases asthma is cured completely.
In severe cases, homeopathic treatment not only helps reduce the number of hospitalizations required by the patient but also the dependency on steroids and bronchodilators. Homoeopathic medicines act gently and bring about a change at deeper level.