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Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles gets clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It is mainly seen in adolescence thoug hit can present in any age group. Factors that may trigger acne are hormonal changes, carbohydrate rich diet, certain medication and stress. Genetics do play a role in acne as one is more prone to get acne if there is a family history of acne in one or both parents.


Commonest site for acne is face and forehead which gives it a very high cosmetic value. Acne ranges from mild (whitehead, blackhead, papule) to severe (pustule, nodule or cystic lesion). They maybe painful and disfiguring by causing scars and hyperpigmentation which may remain for long time even after the acne has healed. Acne may permanently damage the skin. Most acne are recurrent and long lasting. Patients with acne usually suffer from low self-confidence and depression.